2019 School & Teacher First Aid Education & Compliance Guide
First Aid On-site Services
FREE Workplace Assessments Our first aid advisors will visit your school, assess it against SafeWork Australia’s First Aid in the Workplace Code of Practice requirements and make recommendations based on their assessment – completely free of charge. Customised Information Sessions Learn about topics relevant to your school’s specific circumstances, such as common medical conditions including diabetes, asthma or anaphylaxis. Restocking Services We examine your stock levels and integrity of contents, check expiry dates and restock accordingly to meet WHS regulations; we also include an inventory list and audit date (as required by SafeWork’s First Aid in the Workplace Code of Practice), and attach a service label indicating the next due date. SOLUTIONS bulk orders avai lable! + response-ready in between first aid courses. A St John trainer will visit your school and run first aid scenarios with your staff. Our first aid drills are fully customisable and can be scheduled throughout the year. First Aid in Schools Turn over to the next page for more information about this FREE program! First Aid Drills Regular first aid drills keep you and your team
Let St John come to you: Our comprehensive range of products and services can be delivered on-site, so there is no need for you or your team to leave your school and travel
across town.
All training courses are available on-site, but there is more: Whether it is first aid compliance, first aid restocking services or support in covering school events, you can get all of your first aid needs covered in one place with St John SA!
Emerging Issues
St John Ambulance Australia found that an alarming 9 out of 10 workplaces do not comply with SafeWork Australia’s First Aid in the Workplace Code of Practice.
To maintain compliance, it is important to ensure your first aid equipment is fully stocked and up to date. We can take this off your hands with our on- site restocking service (check-and-restock support is available for very remote locations).
What you need on-site... Recommended schedule:
Every 6 months
Every 12 months
Event Health Services (e.g. at sports days) Book St John for your school events – from school fetes to sports days, our Event Health Services team will look after the health and wellbeing of your students, staff and visitors.
FREE Workplace Assessment
Restocking Services – bulk orders available!
Customised Information Sessions
First Aid Drills
First Aid in Schools
Event Health Services (e.g. sports days)
We offer on-site workplace assessments free of charge to all SA schools. St John will provide you with an obligation- free comprehensive report.
(As required)
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