2020 School & Teacher First Aid Education & Compliance Guide
First Aid Products Overview Having the right first aid products available to students, staff and visitors at your education facility is essential. SafeWork Australia’s First Aid in the Workplace Code of Practice stipulates the required type and quantity of first aid equipment in different settings to meet minimum requirements.
First Aid Kits • First aid kits for all school and office environments • Various sizes and applications including wallmounts • Durable design including soft and hard shells • Fully customised options available • Waterproof kit
The Department for Education also specifies the number and type of first aid kits and modules that must be present, depending on the school environment.
Emerging issues
First Aid Supplies All first aid kit items can be purchased separately. Various items also available in bulk • Reusable hot and cold packs • Specialised snake bite bandages with tension indicator • Sunscreen, aloe vera gel and hand sanitiser • Emesis (vomit) bags • Disposable asthma spacers
A common concern in the school setting is the occurrence of bites and stings from various insects and animals. Depending on the geographical location of your school, there may be different risks to consider, such as snake bite treatment. A University of Melbourne study found that South Australia had the highest rate of fatal bites and stings over the surveyed period 3 . Bee stings presented the highest risk of hospitalisation, followed by spider and snake bites 3 . In addition to treating the bite or sting itself, it is important to consider that some individuals may have an allergic reaction. It is essential to have the necessary first aid products on hand for such eventualities.
Complete modular kit
Automated External Defibrillators
• Fully automated models • Safe and easy to use with audible prompts • Adult and child suitable models
3 University of Melbourne 2017, ‘Australian injury trends from venomous bites and stings over 13 years’.
Specific Classroom Modules Some specific modules are required by the Department for Education. Burns Module: classroom activities that may cause chemical and/or heat burn Personal Protection Module: protection for where there may be risk of infectious disease
What you need to have... Must-Haves (minimum 1 per workplace): Standard workplace kits • Office • Canteen • Workshops • Department for Education fleet vehicles • Outdoor & excursions • Separate work areas Recommended: Additional kits • Agricultural studies facility • Grounds person’s shed • Science laboratories • Gymnasiums • Private vehicles for work purposes • Other high risk areas (identified through a workplace first aid assessment - see page 9)
Sprains & Strains Module: perfect for physical activities including sports and excursions many more modules +
Order our complete modular kit by 30 June 2020 and get 30% off! Includes burns, personal protection, sprains & strains, eye injuries, major bleeding, minor wounds, and extra components.
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