2024 School & Teacher First Aid Education & Compliance Guide

First Aid Products Overview Ensuring the availability of appropriate first aid supplies for students, staff, and visitors in your educational facility is crucial. SafeWork Australia’s First Aid in the Workplace Code of Practice outlines the necessary type and quantity of first aid equipment in various settings, ensuring compliance with minimum requirements. The Department for Education further specifies the number and type of kits/modules for each school environment, ensuring a tailored and comprehensive approach to first aid readiness. When your students are returning to school, make sure you assist in protecting their skin in the following ways: • Slip on clothing that covers as much skin as possible. • Slop on a SPF 30 or higher, broad spectrum sunscreen 20 minutes before going outdoors, and reapply every 2 hours. • Slap on a hat that protects the face, neck and ears. • Seek shade, particularly when the UV is highest such as during the middle of the day. • Slide on close fitting sunglasses. 3 If a student experiences heat induced illness due to prolonged sun exposure, follow these steps: Implement sun safety in the school yard this summer Strip the patient of as much clothing as possible. If the patient does not improve quickly (within 10 minutes), call Triple Zero (000) for an ambulance. Soak the patient with any available water. Fan the patient continuously. Give cold water to the patient to drink if they are fully conscious and able to swallow. 4 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Follow DRSABCD. Lie the patient down in a cool or shaded area.

Solutions 7

First Aid Kits • First aid kits for all school office environments • Various sizes and applications, including wall mounts • Durable design including soft and hard cases • Fully customised options available • Waterproof kits

Complete modular kit

Schoolyard Safety Ensuring the safety of students during outdoor breaks is paramount. To safeguard them from the elements, we recommend incorporating essential schoolyard safety measures.

Products recommended for use in schools includes: • Sunscreen (minimum of SPF 30) • Insect repellant • Hand sanitiser • Surface wipes

Implementing these precautions not only fosters a protected environment but also promotes the wellbeing of students enjoying outdoor activities during breaks. These can be purchased through the St John shop or on our website.

Automated External Defibrillators • Semi and fully automated options available • Adult and child suitable models • Safe and easy to use with audible prompts

Book a first aid course at stjohnsa.com.au/training to learn more about heat-induced illnesses and other first aid emergencies.

Specific Classroom Modules Some specific modules are required by the Department for Education. Burns Module: classroom activities that may cause chemical and/or heat burn. Personal Protection Module: protection for where there may be risk of infectious disease.

3 Cancer Council SA 2024, Are you Sunsmart? 4 St John Ambulance Australia 2021, Australian First Aid 5th edition


What you need to have...

Must-Haves (min 1 per work place): Standard workplace kits • Office • Canteen • Workshops • Department for Education fleet vehicles • Outdoor and excursions • Separate work areas

Recommended: Additional kits • Agricultural studies facility • Ground person’s shed • Science laboratories • Gymnasiums • Private vehicles for work purposes • Other high-risk areas (identified through a

Sprains and Strains Module: perfect for physical activities including sports and excursions + more modules available.


Email: supplies@stjohnsa.com.au to order. Offer valid until 30 June 2024.

workplace first aid assessment – see pg. 9)

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