St John Ambulance Australia SA Inc. Annual Report 2018-2019
St John Ambulance Australia SA Inc Annual Report 2018/19 55
Our Towards 2020 Strategic Plan 2016-2020 provides guidance for the organisation and a firm course for the years ahead. This will see us emerge a stronger, more relevant organisation, with the highest ethical and operational standards, whilst respecting the traditions and values that have stood us in good stead for over a century.
Our four Strategic Aims and eight supporting Service Arms help us to focus effort and drive the work of St John SA. We aim to be:
Strategic Aim 4: First in Volunteering To build stronger communities through quality volunteers Cadet & young adult development • Identify and implement youth specific activities to increase youth retention • Review our youth development program to improve attraction, retention and impact • Build future resilience and capability through our youth and young adult development programs • Build our youth member base and develop them through improved life opportunities and skills • Be recognised as a leader in child protection and safety • Improve transition rate for Cadets into Adult Divisions.
Strategic Aim 1: First in First Aid To be the leader in first aid education and products • Review and enhance the bequest and grants acquisition model • Explore feasibility of corporate sponsorship • Leverage the St John SA brand to increase market position and profile.
Strategic Aim 3: First in Care To be a respected and valued community service provider
Strategic Aim 2: First in Response To be the leading provider in the fields of community first aid response and event medical services • Develop a property strategy and masterplan to ensure our assets will be fit-for-purpose, commercially viable and highly utilised.
Community services • Develop an Ophthalmic Support Program • Partner with existing ophthalmic care providers to support treatment and services to blind and partially sighted people within South Australia • Obtain a restricted ambulance licence • Explore community and patient transport opportunities and viability.
Community Care program • Evaluate and review our existing programs • Develop and implement expanded community care activities consistent with funding opportunities.
Developing skilled volunteers • Develop and implement member recruitment, retention and recertification strategies • Encourage innovation / leadership from all members • Develop a dynamic culture of accountability and service • Establish a management and leadership development program • Improve organisational capability by attracting and retaining engaged members • Enhance membership systems and facilities • Develop and implement emerging leaders and leadership development programs.
Event Medical Services • Provide value for our clients and meet customer priorities for efficiency, safety, quality, reliability, ethics and timeliness of our services • Structure Event Medical Services (EMS) around current and future revenue earning operations • Change EMS organisation and structure, to meet and exceed current community compliance, standards and service needs • St John SA is recognised as a holistic provider of choice for event organisers • Deliver high quality professional services using a dual model of volunteer and paid responders
• Develop a fleet upgrade, standardisation, replacement and utilisation plan • Consider vehicle and resource ‘hubbing’ • Evaluate and review warehousing activities to improve stock control, rotation and financial impact. Volunteer Community First Responders • Ensure all training compliance requirements are not only met, but exceeded • Review and implement a new operational uniform that is fit-for-purpose, safe, increases brand recognition and provides differentiation from SA Ambulance Service.
First Aid training • Develop and expand ‘First Aid in Schools’ program • Develop additional allied courses • Develop innovative and diverse educational delivery options • Expand first aid education to include non-English speaking background groups • Close down substandard training venues and implement satellite venues • Develop attractive facilities, with 65%+ utilisation in metropolitan areas
• Increase market share of accredited first aid training. First Aid products • Design systems and programs which allow for a sustainable and flexible commercial future which funds the volunteer organisation • Grow overall revenue • Review and implement a new fundraising model for Operations • Increase market share of first aid products • Partner with other NFPs to inform the community on the importance of first aid education.
St John SA is a volunteer based NFP organisation, primarily funded through our own commercial activities. Volunteerism is the foundation that drives activities and underpins our success.
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