St John Ambulance SA Inc. Annual Report 2020-21
The St John SA Community Care program is focussed on creating a sense of purpose, enjoyment and meaning in life through support and companionship to the elderly and those at risk of social isolation in the community. Our team of passionate and dedicated volunteers are matched on a one-to-one basis to accommodate shared interests and goals to build an empowering volunteer-client relationship. The Community Care program centres its activities on wellness and reablement to allow for clients to retain independence and continue to live their lives in a way that is meaningful to them. With guidance and support by the Community Care team, volunteers create tailored activities with a view of activities to “do with” rather than “do for”. The past 18 months of COVID-19 has seen a range of adjustments and adaptations to the Community Care program, to ensure adherence to government social distancing and infection control guidelines. We are grateful to have committed volunteers who have found appropriate ways to ensure clients are connected throughout this difficult time and program objectives continued to be achieved.
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