St John Ambulance SA Inc. Annual Report 2020-21


St John Ambulance Australia SA Inc Annual Report 2020/21


Committed to providing a safe working environment.

Police Record Checks

A safe environment

Compliance with legislative requirements, including work health and safety, is an important part of how we work.

The protection of children and vulnerable persons is one of the most important aspects of our work, as we strive to maintain a safe working environment for all members and the broader community. A comprehensive child and vulnerable persons protection framework includes our policy, procedures and guiding principles. The Children and Vulnerable Persons Member Handbook provides our members with information on how to work safely with both children and vulnerable persons. It makes clear the responsibility of every member to: • understand and apply the child and vulnerable persons protection policies and procedures • undertake training to the appropriate level • act appropriately and be able to challenge and report inappropriate behaviour in others • be able to recognise abuse and neglect • know how to follow the procedures for reporting concerns and alleged or suspected incidents of abuse. Training and awareness of child protection activities is a continual process, and all members dealing with the young and the vulnerable, as well as members of the management team, are required to participate. From July 2020, it became mandatory for all St John adult staff and volunteers to hold a current Working With Children Check (WWCC). WWCCs must be renewed at expiry or every 5 years.

All members of St John must have a current Criminal History Check before engaging in activities and this must be renewed at expiry or after 3 years.

Enhancing wellbeing St John is committed to supporting staff overall wellbeing and offers an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) through Corporate Health Group (CHG). Through the EAP program, staff have 24/7 access to confidential professional counselling, with the costs covered by St John. Volunteers have access to a Peer Support network. This is also a confidential program that includes access to specialist external health professionals, again at no personal cost to the individual. Participation in a two-day Mental Health First Aid training course * , which teaches strategies to identify mental health issues and provide initial support, is also available to our Operations members. Robust processes support and monitor activity to ensure that whether our members are visiting clients or places like the Adelaide 500, Entertainment Centre or Adelaide Showground, they have a safe working environment. The Work Health Safety and Wellbeing Committee provides a forum for all members to raise matters related to their work, as well as having a focus on the needs of volunteers. Through our frameworks we continue to embed a strong risk management culture across the organisation. Through the year, we have encountered three return to work claims, with only one claim resulting in lost work time.

*Externally accredited through Mental Health First Aid Australia.

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