St John SA Local Government First Aid Education & Compliance
9 SOLUTIONS The cost of a defibrillator is insignificant if it means saving a life. Automated External Defibrillators are safe and easy to use by any person, trained or otherwise. St John SA has a broad range of models, and we can help advise you on which model will work best for your needs. The following model is recommended by St John for council environments.
Why every council should have public access AEDs Increase chances of survival from sudden cardiac arrest in the community • Over 25,000 Australians suffer an Out of Hospital Sudden Cardiac Arrest each year • Less at 10% survive • Defibrillation within the first few minutes increases chances of survival to as much as 70%. Safe and easy to use by any person • A defibrillator will only administer a shock if required • Fully automated models available • Voice prompts assist through CPR and defibrillation • Unit analyses the patient’s heart rhythm and only applies a shock when required • Self-checking units for minimal maintenance Where you least expect it… Public access to defibrillators is vital in the community. As defibrillation is the only way to restore a heart with a fatal heart rhythm back to a normal heart rhythm, it is important for the public to feel safe knowing there is a public accessible defibrillator nearby. In late 2021, Genevieve finished her CPR refresher course with St John SA when it needed to be put to use at a time she least expected it. While travelling interstate, a swimmer at the local pool was found unresponsive. She recognised that he was not breathing and with the help of the lifeguard, he was pulled from the water and a defibrillator was applied. Genevieve started compressions and the second shock of the defibrillator brought the swimmer back to life. Not everyone has access to a defibrillator when these types of events happen. This is why public access defibrillators are a must in public spaces. Overview Sudden cardiac arrest can happen to anyone, at anytime, anywhere, even without any pre-existing medical conditions. The only definitive treatment is with an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) shock, allowing the heart a chance to restore to a normal rhythm. This makes it vital for workplaces to be prepared with the essential training and equipment to manage this situation.
Speedy and smart: LIFEPAK CR2 Ideal public access defibrillator, or for vehicles, workplaces and offices • Fastest time to first shock • Easy child-mode toggle switch (no separate accessories needed) • Provides clear voice prompts and CPR guidance • WI-FI features • IP (International Protection) Rating: 55
• 8-year warranty • Universal pads • Safe and easy to use by any person • Fully or semi-automated
Defibrillator bundle
I ncludes: LIFEPAK CR2, alarmed wall cabinet,
AED wall sign & CPR poster
ONLY $2,495
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