Reconcilliation Action Plan_St John Ambulance SA

S t J o h n A m b u l a n c e S A | R e fl e c t R e c o n c i l i a t i o n A c t i o n P l a n A u g u s t 2 0 2 1 – A u g u s t 2 0 2 2 4


OUR VISION To create a safe, supported, engaged and resilient South Australian Community. OUR MISSION To ensure wellbeing of all South Australians is improved through St John SA’s delivery of innovative, client-centred and evidence-based health, community and educational products and services. All our work is underpinned by a professional network of volunteers and staff. OUR VALUES Teamwork: Our people challenge themselves to be the best they can, and operate in a spirit of Teamwork to provide community benefit through education, care and connection.

It is our great pleasure to introduce the St John Ambulance SA Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan. This is the first time St John SA has expressed our commitment to reconciliation in this way. Through implementing this plan, we hope to not only increase our corporate understanding of reconciliation, but build a personal journey of reconciliation for all St John SA people. One of our organisational values is diversity – and importantly it includes developing and maintaining our focus on reconciliation activities across everything that we do. Through this plan, we will strive to improve Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employment and volunteering outcomes. At the centre of everything we do is our vision, mission, and values, which guide our charitable work in the community.

Integrity: Integrity underpins all that we do.

High Quality Services: High quality services are provided to all of our clients, patients and customers.

Diversity: We celebrate and aim to reflect the Diversity of the South Australian community and work in the spirit of reconciliation.

Respect: As our most important asset, our people are shown Respect, are valued and developed.

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