Reconcilliation Action Plan_St John Ambulance SA
S t J o h n A m b u l a n c e S A | R e fl e c t R e c o n c i l i a t i o n A c t i o n P l a n A u g u s t 2 0 2 1 – A u g u s t 2 0 2 2 6
As we work in a spirit of reconciliation towards a more diverse and inclusive St John SA, we recognise the need to actively develop and nurture an organisational culture and workforce that is representative of the whole South Australian community. Seeking direct involvement and partnerships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and communities across all levels of St John SA is part of this vision for reconciliation. Beginning with reflecting as an organisation on our cultural inclusivity, we will provide educational opportunities to all members to better understand the history and cultures of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Australia. We will ensure all employees and volunteers understand and embrace To support this vision, we have established the St John SA Reconciliation Action Plan Working Group (RWG). The group works to identify and document actionable outcomes to areas where St John SA can improve and develop its reconciliation activities. Our Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan has emerged from this group, aiming to address the areas of relationships, respect, opportunities and governance in relation to reconciliation. We are committed to sharing our skills and knowledge in first aid and social support with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations and communities and embrace opportunities to learn and understand the concept of reconciliation, and apply these principles in their daily work and interactions.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and promote a better understanding of our shared history among our staff and members.
This collaboration with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in our community will enable us to:
• Contribute towards the journey of reconciliation through the development of policy, representation on committees and increased diversity of our volunteers in the Operations and Community Care branches. • Create an understanding of the importance of culture, respect and reconciliation and their interrelationships with the values of the organisation. • Identify needs that complement services provided by the organisation to ensure services are appropriately directed to the needs of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. • Develop positive relationships where the organisation is seen as an example of
inclusiveness, embraced and promoted by Aboriginal and Torres Strait people and communities.
We invite everyone who is part of St John SA to join us in embracing our Reconciliation Action Plan, to think about the role you can play and to develop your own personal commitment to reconciliation.
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