SJSA Annual Report 2023-24
St John Ambulance SA
Reducing the impact of injury and emergency Lowering the burden on the state’s healthcare system Our health and medical services teams attend events every week of the year, including major events at Adelaide Oval, as well as smaller events like school sports days and fairs. Their presence at these events reduces the impact of injury and the need for hospital visits.
1,692 Events attended 4,144 Clinical patients treated
Education & Products 18,387 Total patient presentations * 6 Major venue coverage 284 Community Care clients 2,913 School children first aid trained $2,577,472 1 Total value of volunteering hours (duty and training) 20,967 Training hours
2,050 Events & emergencies attended 17,000 Clinical & non-clinical patients Qualifications and training A continual national skills competency program ensures all volunteers are accredited to deliver the latest healthcare techniques.
33,545 Duty hours 20,967 Admin/other support hours
Volunteers Our network of dedicated volunteers give their time, care and expertise to support the South Australian community.
437 Adults 11 BRT events covered
Bicycle Response Team (BRT) BRT crews use bikes kitted out with medical equipment, navigating crowds for a rapid clinical response.
1 The updated volunteer dollar replacement hourly rate figure for 2023/24 is $47.38 per hour and was provided by Volunteering SA/NT. The basis of this calculation is taken from the biannual Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) average weekly earnings figures for Australia. This methodology follows Associate Professor, Dr Lisel O’Dwyer’s (previously Prof Duncan Ironmonger) approach to calculating a dollar value figure for volunteering, and is one of the calculations that forms the overall value of volunteering figure.
* This is an approximate figure that includes both clinical and non-clinical interventions.
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