SJSA Annual Report 2023-24
Annual Report 2023/24
Community Care
Our team of caring and dedicated volunteers are matched one-to-one with clients based on shared interests and goals to build an empowering volunteer-client relationship. The Community Care program has a wellness and reablement focus to allow for clients to retain independence and continue to live their lives in a way that is meaningful to them. Volunteers and clients both gain so much from our program. One such example is our volunteer Judy, who joined us in 2021 and currently supports four clients and takes on additional fill-in shifts when needed. During one of these shifts, she met a client, and they’ve since developed a lovely social connection. Judy, who loves camping and is the secretary of a local caravan group, once took the client through a carwash during a visit. It was a first-time experience for the client, who excitedly called her daughter from inside the carwash. Now, they have a tradition of completing “firsts” together, like enjoying fish and chips at the beach or exploring nearby towns. The client eagerly looks forward to each new adventure. Judy brings the same energy to her other clients, including one in a nursing home, where they share stories and memories. Judy truly embodies the saying, “the smallest act of kindness is worth more than the greatest intention.” enjoyment and meaning in life through support and companionship to older South Australians and those at risk of social isolation. The St John SA Community Care program is focused on creating a sense of purpose,
North East South West
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