Safeguarding Children & Vulnerable People Handbook

Animated publication.


CHILDREN AND VULNERABLE PERSONS MEMBER HANDBOOK Standards and guidelines for St John South Australia members – July 2016


child (noun) any person under the age of eighteen. member (noun) any person (paid or voluntary) who conducts business for or on behalf of St John SA. vulnerable person (noun) a person who may be at risk of abuse or exploitation due to their dependency on others or experiences of disadvantage, their inability to protect themselves against significant harm or exploitation, and include those with a physical, intellectual or psychological disability, sensory impairment, the frail or aged, has some form of illness, children, people from culturally and linquistically diverse backgrounds, refugees and those living in poverty.

St John Ambulance Australia SA Inc 85 Edmund Avenue, Unley SA 5061 Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Persons Member Handbook – June 2015 © St John Ambulance Australia SA Inc

These guidelines and supporting documentation are applicable to any child or vulnerable person that a member may come into contact with in the course of their St John duties, including patients, cadets and community care clients. ONLINE VERSION ONLY – please do not print this guide. This handbook will be updated regularly to reflect organisational policy and procedure.

This book is copyright. All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the Australian Copyright Act 1968 no part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, communicated or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher, apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of private study, criticism or review.


St John Ambulance Australia SA Inc is an organisation that seeks to provide and maintain a safe working environment for all members and the broader community. These guidelines support the Child and Vulnerable Persons Protection Policy and provide the framework to help us ensure best practice. No policy or procedure is equipped to address every individual circumstance, but the utmost care has been taken to develop a safeguarding environment which is best practice and provides guidance to encompass our ever changing society. This handbook has been developed as a tool for our members, to provide you with the information you need in the course of your work at St John, in order for you to work safely with both children and vulnerable persons. It is the responsibility of every member of St John to: Understand and apply the child and vulnerable persons protection policies and procedures

Undertake training to the appropriate level to support you in your role Act appropriately and able to challenge and report inappropriate behaviour in others Be able to recognise abuse and neglect Know how to follow the procedures for reporting concerns, and alleged or suspected incidents of abuse.

It is the responsibility of St John SA to provide you with the information, training and support you need to ensure the protection of children and vulnerable persons in undertaking your duties as a St John member. The St John approach is to actively promote a culture of working safely which has at its heart the welfare and wellbeing of all.

Kerry Whitehead

Peter Jackson

Alex Coates

General Manager, People and Programs

Acting State Superintendent

Group Leader, Cadet and Youth Engagement and Development Team


Member Handbook July 2016 St John Ambulance SA Inc





St John SA’s Commitment

5 6 6 7 7 8 9

1.1 Aims

1.2 Guiding Principles

1.3 The St John Approach

1.4 Our Safe Practices

1.5 Policy and Structure Safe practices in action


2.1 Preventative Supervisory Practices


2.2 Obtaining consent


2.3 Recruitment, screening and management practices

13 13 13 14 14 14 14 15 16

2.4 Training, awareness and resources

2.5 Safety awareness for youth members

2.6 Social Media Policy and guidelines

2.7 Incident, injury and hazard reporting

2.8 Risk Assessment and management

2.9 Management of records, confidentiality and sharing information

THREE Notification and reporting procedures

3.1 When and how to report 3.2 To report or not to report

20 20

3.3 What to do when someone confides in you

3.4 What happens after you have reported?


3.5 What and how to notify of breaches of policy and procedures



24 1. Abuse & Neglect Information for Members – St John Australia Publication 25 2. Child & Vulnerable Persons’ Policy 25 3. Suspected abuse report form 25 4. Additional guidelines when working with children 28 5. Additional guidelines for working with vulnerable persons in the community care program 31


Member Handbook July 2016 St John Ambulance SA Inc



Member Handbook July 2016 St John Ambulance SA Inc


1.1 Aims: The safeguarding children and vulnerable standards and guidelines aim to enable members of St John Ambulance South Australia to carry out their responsibilities in ensuring safe environments for children and vulnerable persons engaging in St John services or activities. They also aim to assist members in establishing a safer environment for children and vulnerable persons for whom they have a duty of care, other adults and the members themselves.

1.2 Guiding Principles: St John Ambulance Australia SA is committed to best practice standards in protecting Members, children and vulnerable persons from any form of assault or abuse during their involvement with St John SA. We will take all allegations of assault and abuse seriously, and will act with authorities to ensure matters are heard and appropriately dealt with. Children and vulnerable persons have the right to be: Free from emotional and physical danger, exploitation, abuse and neglect and feel safe in the activities and services that they access Listened to and heard Valued and treated as individuals Involved in decisions, where appropriate Respected for their individuality and identity. In establishing policies, process and practices St John SA will be guided by the following: A zero tolerance approach to assaults and abuse will be adopted A supportive environment will be established for people affected by or reporting assault or abuse Members will be supported to develop understanding and skills to keep themselves and others safe Reports of, or, suspected criminal assault will be reported promptly to the police Incidents will be promptly and thoroughly investigated, but not so as to interfere with police investigations Action will be taken against any Member who fails to meet standards set All reports, investigations and actions will be managed in the strictest confidence and will be properly documented. All reasonable action to prevent abuse and minimise the risk of it occurring will be taken All Members are expected to uphold the standards set


Member Handbook July 2016 St John Ambulance SA Inc

1.3 The St John SA approach: As an organisation working with and supplying services to children and vulnerable persons, St John SA and its Members will: Create and maintain a culture with a focus on the protection and safety of children and vulnerable persons under our care Recognise children and vulnerable persons as individuals, have the right to be treated with dignity and respect, free from emotional and physical danger, abuse or neglect Be committed to taking all reasonable steps to protect the safety and well-being of children and vulnerable persons Encourage and respect the views of children and vulnerable persons Listen to and act upon any concerns that children, vulnerable persons or their families raise with St John SA Ensure children and vulnerable persons and their families know their rights and how to access the complaints procedure available to them, as well as their child protection and vulnerable persons responsibilities Ensure that all adult Members (aged 18 years and over) are aware of their responsibilities in regards to children and vulnerable persons Proactively cooperate with government agencies, particularly in the reporting of suspected cases of assault, abuse or neglect Ensure that members are made aware of the forms and indicators of abuse, neglect and exploitation, and the impact of abuse on children and vulnerable persons – refer Annexure 1 – Recognising the signs of abuse.

1.4 Our safe practices: At St John SA we will implement and embed supportive practices to safeguard the children and vulnerable adults we work with each and every day. We will do this by: Adhering to our children and vulnerable persons policy and ensuring that it is supported by robust procedures Carefully following the procedures laid down for the recruitment and selection of all Members Providing effective management for all Members through supervision, support and training Implementing clear procedures for raising awareness of and responding to abuse within the organisation and for reporting concerns to the relevant authorities that need to know, while involving and supporting all stakeholders appropriately Ensuring general safety and risk management procedures are adhered to Promoting full participation and have clear procedures for dealing with concerns and complaints Managing personal information confidentially Implementing a code of conduct for everyone across the organisation which is supported through education and training Reviewing policy, procedures and the code of conduct at regular intervals, at least annually.


Member Handbook July 2016 St John Ambulance SA Inc


1.5 Policy and Structure: St John SA has an organisation wide commitment to ensuring a comprehensive and effective approach to safe guarding children and vulnerable persons. This includes: Child and Vulnerable Persons Policy: St John SA has a child and vulnerable persons policy which is read and accepted by all members. This policy clearly outlines the expectations of members in carrying out their duties at St John SA. Refer annexure 2. Code of Conduct: St John Ambulance Australia has a national code of conduct which all members must adhere to as a condition of their appointment to their role. This code of conduct and associated policies outlines the values and behaviours required by all St John SA Members in carrying out their duties. Child & Vulnerable Persons Protection Team: St John SA has a dedicated and trained Child and Vulnerable Persons Officer who is responsible for the effective handling and management of all related issues. Contact can be made by calling the Member Assist number 08 8306 6925 or by emailing The Officer is responsible for maintaining and updating the Policy and for acting as a point of reference for all St John SA Members in relation to child and vulnerable persons protection issues. They provide advice, guidance and practical support to Members to ensure that they work safely with children and vulnerable persons. This is achieved by: Ensuring that appropriate safeguarding training is available for Members to fulfil their role and to ensure best working practice throughout the organisation Advising on any issues and concerns members have about working practices Managing any causes of concern that occur.

Involving children, young people, the vulnerable and members in decision making: St John SA is open to continuous feedback from our stakeholders with a view to improving how we carry out our activities. Although we will not sway from our guiding principles and zero tolerance policy, we will use the best available evidence and feedback to improve how we deliver and maintain our safe practices. In the development and ongoing commitment to safe practices, we are committed to embedding consultation and feedback opportunities for our stakeholders. There are currently forums and feedback mechanisms so that children and vulnerable adults can have a voice on their care and the safety of their environments. These include: The Australian Youth Advisory Network St John SA Youth Task Force Operations Branch Youth Engagement and Development Team Community Care Committee Annual Community Care Focus Groups Operations Leadership Group.


Member Handbook July 2016 St John Ambulance SA Inc



2.1 P reventative supervisory practices

Using harmful techniques in managing the behaviour of children and vulnerable persons including (but not limited to): (i) dismissing or trivialising (ii) using bullying behaviour (iii) v erbal abuse, derogatory remarks or intimidation (iv) corporal punishment (v) use of excessive force (except in circumstances On-going familiarity with any one child or vulnerable person on the part of an adult member is questionable and requires immediate intervention and restraint. It is important that members understand the difference between friendliness and familiarity On-going familiarity by a child or vulnerable person toward an adult member is also cause for concern and should be discouraged by the adult concerned Taking a child or vulnerable person to a member’s home Doing things for a child or vulnerable person of a personal nature that the child or vulnerable person can do for themselves Engaging in sexually suggestive behaviour Sharing or giving anything to a child or vulnerable person that may be construed as pornographic Allowing inappropriate or offensive language by a child or vulnerable person to go unchallenged Allowing bullying behaviour by another member to go unchecked Inappropriate touching Entering into a physical relationship with a child and/or vulnerable person to whom you are in a position of trust, even if they have given their consent Letting any allegation of harm go unrecorded or unreported. where doing so would protect the child or vulnerable person or others from harm).

(Based on ‘National Child & Vulnerable Persons’ safety rules, standards and guidelines – Feb 2015) All St John members should take all reasonable measures to avoid potentially risky situations or opportunities for allegations/misunderstandings to occur. Such situations can, for example, occur in training or administration of first aid, working in a program in which there are cadets or vulnerable persons present. There needs to be a balance between protecting children and vulnerable persons and safeguarding the reputation of the member. It is recognised that members providing services as caregivers of persons with disabilities including those members working in the St John SA Community Care Program may be unable to meet some of the following codes of behaviour by the very nature of their work. In these situations, members must be selected with particular care and their interaction with clients regularly reviewed by supervisors in a risk management framework. Billeting of children and vulnerable persons in St John will not be practiced. This practice could pose significant risk to the health and wellbeing of children and vulnerable persons. Practices to be avoided include: Being in one-to-one situations with a child or vulnerable person in an enclosed space. Where such a situation is unavoidable, it is recommended that preventative practices be adopted (St John SA guidelines ensure that 2 adults must be present at all times) Transporting a child or vulnerable person in a one-to-one situation (refer additional transport guidelines in annexures 3 & 4 in particular in relation to St John SA’s Community Care program which allows for this to occur) Running a division that involves cadets or vulnerable persons single-handedly. Members responsible for running a division should always ensure an appropriate balance of male and female adult helpers Showing favouritism or singling out individuals on a regular basis Using inappropriate language and subject matter


Member Handbook July 2016 St John Ambulance SA Inc

Practices to be adopted include: Ensuring that a teacher is present within a reasonable distance when working in a school environment Being aware of children and vulnerable persons’ sensitivities during first aid practical work, including: (i) giving prior notice so that children and vulnerable persons can wear suitable clothing (ii) avoiding touching the child or vulnerable person–demonstrate on a colleague with their pre-arranged permission or ask an experienced participant to demonstrate with a peer, preferably of the same sex. Ensuring, for example, in first aid training where physical contact is unavoidable, that: (i) another adult is present (ii) the child or vulnerable person’s consent is gained (iii) t he breast, buttocks and groin area are never touched. Where a child or vulnerable person is upset and is need of comfort, seeking ways to provide comfort and support without unnecessary physical contact Giving thought to the arrival and departure of children and vulnerable members at St John events, including: (i) being there before they arrive (ii) ensuring that all children and vulnerable persons have been collected before leaving the premises (iii) s eeking parental/carer permission, as well as written permission from the Child & Vulnerable Persons Protection Officer, should it be necessary to walk or drive a child or vulnerable person home (and ensuring that 2 members do this) (iv) ensure children are collected only by approved parent/guardian (v) e nsuring all leaders are aware if any custody arrangements / issues. (Refer additional transport guidelines in annexures 3&4) Involving vulnerable persons, cadets and juniors in establishing their own list of group rules or understandings, including outlining what is and what is not acceptable in a division

Ensuring members conduct themselves in a manner consistent with their position as a positive role model and in line with the St John Code of Conduct Ensuring, during residential events, that a minimum of 2 supervisors (1 male and 1 female if mixed group) must be on duty at all times. Supervisors will only go to children or vulnerable person’s quarters when accompanied by another responsible adult (Refer additional guidelines for overnight activities – annexure 3) Cautioning members engaging in ‘at risk’ situations or behaviours, or acting outside the Code of Conduct Encouraging children and vulnerable persons to question things they don’t understand, without fear of repercussions Encourage children and vulnerable persons to say ‘no’ in situations where they feel uncomfortable (i) ensuring that disciplinary methods are fair, consistent and unlikely to give rise to complaints of harassment or allegations of misuse of power/authority. It is recommended that responses to misbehaviour: i. address why the behaviour was unacceptable ii. stipulate the consequences of the unwanted behaviour, and (ii) Asking a child or vulnerable person about their welfare. This is part of the response in keeping children and vulnerable persons safe. It is important to: (i) ensure you do not probe or question too deeply (ii) minimise the need for the child or vulnerable person to re-tell the details of any reported abuse experience. Re-telling may cause further psychological harm (iii) use language the child or vulnerable person understands. provide options for better behavioural choices in the future.


Member Handbook July 2016 St John Ambulance SA Inc


2.2 Obtaining consent: When working with children and vulnerable persons, it is important that valid consent is always obtained for participation in St John activities and services. Consent might be, for example, from parents for a child to take part in a specified St John activity, or consent given expressly from a vulnerable person for a member to provide first aid. Consent may also be signalled by a person’s conduct. For example, where a vulnerable person turns up to participate in an event voluntarily or a child tells a leader it is ok to demonstrate a first aid practice on their person in a lesson. Regardless of the method of obtaining consent, it is important that members ensure the consent is valid. To determine if consent given is valid, members must consider: Whether the individual providing consent has the capacity to give consent Sufficient information has been provided to the individual to base their decision on, and the information has been provided in an appropriate way The consent is given voluntarily, and is free from coercion or repercussions.

Where being in a one-to-one situation with a child or vulnerable person in an enclosed space is unavoidable, ensure that a door is kept open and another adult is close by Advising someone (e.g. a supervisor or the Child and Vulnerable Persons Protection Officer) where a member: is concerned that a relationship is developing that may be an abuse of trust is concerned that a child or vulnerable person is becoming attracted to a member who supervises or works with a child or vulnerable person believes a child or vulnerable person has misunderstood or misinterpreted something they have said or done has been required to physically restrain a child or vulnerable person to prevent them from harming themselves or others suspects abuse or harm, a child or vulnerable person tells a member they are being abused or harmed, or a third party makes a report to a member.


Member Handbook July 2016 St John Ambulance SA Inc

2.3 Recruitment, screening and management practices: St John SA takes all reasonable steps to ensure that it engages the most suitable and appropriate candidates to work with children and vulnerable persons. St John SA employs appropriate measures and applies best practice standards in the thorough screening, recruitment and employment of its Members. This includes: The requirement of all current and potential Members to hold a current National Police Certificate (NPC). As required under Section 8B of the Children’s Protection Act 1993. To comply with the Act: All potential Members of St John SA must undertake an NPC with an assessment of any recorded convictions prior to the confirmation of their employment or volunteering with St John SA All Members are required to maintain a NPC and this must be updated every three (3) years In addition Community Care and First Aid in School Volunteers require clearance from the Department of Communities and Social Inclusion. All members must attend Child Safe Environment training A thorough face to face interview with a trained member, who will ask questions relevant to the safety and protection of children and vulnerable persons Thorough reference checks of each potential member An induction process and training required for the fulfilment of specific roles A monitored 6 month probation period prior to ongoing full time appointment Ongoing performance management to ensure fulfilment of duties including compliance to child and vulnerable persons protection practices.

2.4 Training and resources: St John SA has a comprehensive training framework which incorporates a number of training requirements and resources to support our commitment to the protection of children and vulnerable persons at St John SA. This framework and resources are continually reviewed and updated to ensure that all Members at St John SA receive appropriate and timely training and the information they need to undertake their roles. 2.5 Safety awareness for Youth Members: It is important part of any child safe environment that children should be empowered and made aware of the organisations child safe practices and their role - education of all members is the primary means of promoting safe environments. St John has a responsibility to teach protective behaviours to children. The St John Personal Safety Toolkit, amongst other resources, has been developed for this purpose. The aim of the education program is for the child to: Recognise situations that may result in harm Be able to assert the right to resist an offender Set up a network of trusted adults Feel confident that an adult will take action to prevent further abuse. Without creating undue fear or alarm, children and young people will be made aware: “…of potential dangers and how to avoid them That they should not talk to, accept presents or lifts in cars from strangers That, if in trouble, they should seek an appropriate authority figure such as a police officer or leader That sometimes it is necessary to scream and shout to attract attention or be rude to a potential abuser if they think they are in danger That they should not have to accept touching, kissing or language that makes them feel uncomfortable That some secrets are wrong and should not be kept


Member Handbook July 2016 St John Ambulance SA Inc


2.8 Risk Assessment and Management

That adults will listen to them and believe them if they reveal a secret Of their right to say ‘no’ if someone, even someone they know well, tries to touch them in a way that frightens or confuses them…” (St John Ambulance UK, 2001:26) Of the difference between feeling safe and feeling uncomfortable or scared Not to hitch-hike To travel with friends rather than alone. 2.6 Social Media policy St John SA has a policy to support members on how to utilise social media in the context of their duties. This can be accessed via the members area/portal of 2.7 I ncident, Injury and Hazard reporting All members have a responsibility for the timely reporting of all incidents by following St John SA’s incident management procedures. This relates to all incidents related to child and vulnerable persons protection as well as an injury or hazard. An incident/injury/hazard form must be completed for all: Incidents involving an injury that may or may not require medical attention Incidents causing damage to vehicles, property or equipment Hazards identified or near miss incidents, even those that do not cause injury or damage but have the capability to do so.

Undertaking a risk assessment before any activity is standard practice at St John SA and reduces the likelihood and rate of incidents. A risk assessment is a careful examination of what could cause harm, so that you can weigh up whether you have taken sufficient precautions, or should do more to prevent it. The aim is to try and make sure no one suffers harm. A hazard is anything which can cause harm. Risk is the likelihood or chance of it happening. The basic principles of making a risk assessment: Look at the venue, the activity and its suitability for proposed participants. Include the detail of any action to be taken in the event of an incident occurring Undertake a risk assessment for every activity. If it is a regular activity, the risk assessment will need to be reviewed regularly and updated as required Inform and obtain permission from those with parental or caring responsibilities for the activities being organised Ensure that appropriate supervision is in place Ensure that those with responsibility for children or vulnerable adults adhere to the required supervision ratios Give clear guidance on St John SA policy to any organisations and external activity providers. 2.9 M anagement of records, St John SA has a policies and procedures covering the management and storage of personal information and records. This ensures that all members understand what information needs to be recorded and how these records are secured, stored and eventually disposed of. The personal information of children and vulnerable persons is kept confidential and is managed appropriately. confidentiality and sharing information


Member Handbook July 2016 St John Ambulance SA Inc



3.1 When and how to report It is the responsibility of all members to follow the correct procedures when reporting any suspected case of abuse against a child or vulnerable person. It is important for members to understand the different requirements when reporting the suspected abuse of a child to that of reporting the suspected abuse of a vulnerable adult. In your role as a St John SA Member you MUST report any suspected child abuse or neglect under mandatory reporting requirements to Families SA using their documented processes, as well as internally following the correct procedures. Whilst mandatory reporting to a government authority for the suspected abuse of vulnerable adults in SA does not currently exist, you also have obligations in your role as a member of St John to report this suspected abuse following the procedures outlined in this document. It is important to understand the vulnerable adults have the right to consent to any intervention and this is an important requirement when dealing with any suspected abuse. The following sections outline the different reporting requirements for members when confronted with the suspected abuse of a child and the suspected abuse of a vulnerable adult. When and how to report suspected child abuse or neglect. Whilst performing your duties as a St John Member you are required to notify the Families SA Child Abuse Report Line (CARL), Phone: 13 14 78 or their online reporting system, as well as the St John SA Child & Vulnerable Persons Officer , when you have suspicion on reasonable grounds that a child or young person has been abused and/or neglected when: Physical signs of physical or sexual abuse are observed A child displays other behaviours and there is no other satisfactory explanation A child tells you she/he has been abused A child tells you they know of someone who has been abused You hear about it from someone who is in a position to provide reliable information eg friend, neighbour, child’s relative or sibling

A child tells you they have been exposed to family violence.

You can also choose to lodge your notification online via the Families SA website. (Do not use the online notification for serious concerns) If a Member is unsure whether there are reasonable grounds to make a report, they may consult with a social worker on the CARL number rather than make a notification in the first instance. Notification to the St John SA Child & Vulnerable Persons Officer allows St John SA to manage the allegation appropriately, work with Families SA and appropriate authorities on any actions required, as well as provide support and guidance to those involved. All notifications are managed in the strictest confidence. Reporting suspected child abuse or neglect. In making a notification a Member will be asked to provide, where possible, the information listed below. It is not necessary to have all of the information to make a notification: Member’s name, title, organisation, address and relationship to the child the child/ren’s name, age and address reason for suspecting abuse or neglect alleged perpetrator’s name, age, address and relationship to child/ren an assessment of the immediate risk to the child/ren any arrangements that may exist for the care and protection of the child/ren a description of the injury, behaviour, or condition observed Following notification to CARL, the member must then report the suspected child abuse or neglect internally by contacting the Child & Vulnerable Persons Officer and completing a Suspected Abuse Report Form (attached in annexure 3). For further information please refer to the following guidelines produced by the Government of South Australia, Department of Education and Child Development. current whereabouts of the child/ren ethnicity, eg aboriginal, kinship group, non-english speaking.


Member Handbook July 2016 St John Ambulance SA Inc

REASONABLE GROUNDS FOR NOTIFICATION • A child tells you that they have been physically or sexually abused • Someone else, tells you the child has been physically or sexually abused • Physical signs of physical or sexual abuse are observed • A child displays other behaviours and there is no other satisfactory explanation • A child tells you they have been exposed to family violence.


CALL FAMILIES SA CHILD ABUSE REPORT LINE (CARL) Immediately report to CARL Phone: 13 14 78 or online




Complete the Suspected Abuse Form and submit to CEO or Commissioner and cc the CVPO Officer.


THE HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGER & GENERAL MANAGER PEOPLE & PROGRAMS IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ENSURING (IN CONSULTATION WITH CVPO OFFICER AND FAMILIES SA): • Management of the case file and actions • Overseeing the investigation process • Support for the alleged victim • Support for the reporter and alleged offender (when a member) • Communication and support to family members.

NOTIFICATION REPORTED Communication with Families SA Report made to SAPOL.

INVESTIGATION • Report made to SAPOL • In consultation with Families SA an internal investigation will

be instigated, but not so as to interfere with SAPOL investigation.


Member Handbook July 2016 St John Ambulance SA Inc


When and how to report the suspected abuse of a vulnerable adult: Members are required to report the suspected abuse of a vulnerable person directly to the Child and Vulnerable Persons Protection Officer (CVPO) when: Physical signs of abuse are observed A person tells you he/she has been abused Someone else, tells you the person has been abused The person displays unusual behaviours which can’t otherwise be explained. If you suspect a serious case of abuse or the person is in immediate danger then contact SAPOL immediately who will able to make an informed decision about the appropriate response. You must complete a Suspected Abuse Report Form (attached in annexure 3) and send to the St John SA CVPO. Special considerations when dealing with the suspected abuse of vulnerable adults (extract from the Aged Rights Advocacy Service): Be cautious about making judgements too early Consider whether the person has the capacity to make their own decisions Try to find out whether the person wants things to change If there is a risk to the person’s physical safety or there is an emergency, contact SAPOL (ideally with permission) Be careful not to make the person’s situation more difficult Encourage the person to seek support from appropriate service providers or to contact the Aged Rights Advocacy Service (ARAS) Be aware that each instance of abuse is unique. Any intervention must be at the vulnerable adults direction and at their pace.

Reporting suspected abuse or neglect of a vulnerable person In making a notification a Member will be asked to provide, where possible, the information listed below. It is not necessary to have all of the information to make a notification: Member’s name, title, organisation, address and relationship to the person The person’s name, age and address Reason for suspecting abuse or neglect Alleged perpetrator’s name, age, address and relationship to the person An assessment of the immediate risk to the person A description of the injury, behaviour, or condition observed

Current whereabouts of the person Ethnicity, eg aboriginal, kinship group, non-english speaking.


Member Handbook July 2016 St John Ambulance SA Inc

REASONABLE GROUNDS FOR NOTIFICATION • Physical signs of abuse are observed • A person tells you he/she has been abused • Someone else, tells you the person has been abused • The person displays unusual behaviours which can’t otherwise be explained.


CONTACT THE CVPO OFFICER IMMEDIATELY Contact SAPOL for serious forms of abuse/emergencies.



Complete the Suspected Abuse Form and submit to CEO or Commissioner and cc the CVPO Officer.

CVPO WILL ASSESS THE ALLEGATION IN CONSULTATION WITH HR.* SAPOL will be informed in the case of an emergency, depending on the seriousness of the allegation (ideally with permission). THE INFORMATION IS ASSESSED AND AN EXTERNAL ADVOCATE MAY BE APPOINTED TO THE VULNERABLE PERSON. Support for


THE HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGER & GENERAL MANAGER PEOPLE & PROGRAMS IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ENSURING (IN CONSULTATION WITH CVPO OFFICER): • Management of the case file and actions • Overseeing the investigation process • Support for the alleged victim • Support for the reporter and alleged offender (when a member) • Communication and support to family members • Communication with appropriate government agencies •Ensuring SAPOL is contacted.

SUPERINTENDENT .* • Report made to SAPOL • An internal

investigation will be instigated, but not so as to interfere with SAPOL investigation.


*Where the allegation occurs within the community care program, HR will inform and engage with the Community Care Co-ordinator as required.

alleged victim and reporter is provided.

investigation is undertaken (following the investigation policy)


Member Handbook July 2016 St John Ambulance SA Inc


3.2 To report or not to report If a member is concerned about any child or adult at risk of harm, you may naturally feel anxious about reporting it. However it is your responsibility to act. You are required to report all suspected cases of abuse as outlined in Annexure 1. Questions members may naturally ask themselves: What if I am wrong? You may be wrong, but you cannot afford to take the risk of not reporting your concerns. Not to report could represent a lost opportunity to help the child or adult at risk. “X: always seems like such a nice person – I am sure they wouldn’t hurt anyone? Abusers will do everything they can to appear normal and caring to ensure they have continued access to those they have identified as vulnerable. It’s none of my business – I only see this person once a week and I wouldn’t like it if someone interfered in my family life? It is your business and your responsibility. The protection of anyone at risk takes precedence over anything else. How could I live with myself if X found out that I was reporting them – especially if I was wrong? You are raising concerns about something which is inappropriate to protect someone who may be at risk. Imagine how you would feel if you said nothing and that person was seriously harmed. What if they took the child or adult away? A child or adult at risk will only be taken away if it is considered that there is no other way to support them while they remain at risk. What if I wait a while and see if things get better? It is vital that you act immediately. Delay could be very serious for the individual concerned. You are not in a position to make a definitive judgement and it is not your role to investigate but it is your role to report.

3.3 W hat to do if someone confides in you

Someone who is worried about what is happening or someone who has been harmed may talk to you. In most cases a person will confide in someone they know and trust. As a member of St John SA, this may be you. If a child or adult at risk of harm confides in you or anyone else, then it is your responsibility to act in accordance these reporting requirements. What you must do: Remain calm, approachable and receptive Listen carefully Make it clear that you are taking what is being said seriously Acknowledge you understand how difficult this must be Reassure them they have done the right thing by telling For children tell them why it can’t be kept a secret For vulnerable adults consider their rights and role in making their decisions and providing consent Record carefully using the words of the child or vulnerable person and sign, date and time your notes Record only what has been said, heard, seen and what you have done (do not probe or investigate yourself) Only stick to relevant questions and comments (do not make any comments about the alleged abuser) Keep the conversation confidential and only discuss with those who need to know Follow the specific procedures related to reporting a child protection or vulnerable persons incident Let the child or vulnerable person know what you are going to do next.


Member Handbook July 2016 St John Ambulance SA Inc

3.4 W hat happens after you have reported? Once you have made your report the following steps will be taken: If the person against whom the allegation is being made is a St John SA Member, they will be removed from service immediately pending investigation An appropriately trained senior employee will be appointed as the case manager to act as liaison and to provide support between St John SA and any suspended member The Human Resources Manager or GM, Operational Services will be responsible for: management of the case file and actions (including informing only those people who need to know) overseeing the investigation process providing support for the alleged victim proving support for the reporter and alleged offender (when a member) communication and support to family members. The next steps will be undertaken by or in consultation with the appropriate authorities When the matter is referred to SAPOL, prompt investigation will occur, but not so as to interfere with SAPOL investigations Those involved will be provided appropriate support and counselling . Confidentiality and Communication All allegations are to be treated in the strictest confidence. This includes: The alleged victim: the right of the child or vulnerable person to confidentiality will be observed, protected and supported the identity of the child or vulnerable person will be treated in strictest confidence. In the case of suspected child abuse liaison with Families SA and SAPOL throughout the process will occur

The alleged victim’s family: the right of the family to have their concerns acted upon and resolved. The alleged offender; the right of the alleged offender to have a fair process The person making the notification; the right for confidentiality and support. Only those people who need to know will be informed of an allegation. Any such information will be held in the strictest confidence by those involved. Any breeches of confidentiality will be treated seriously and disciplinary action may be taken in those circumstances. 3.5 W hen and how to notify of breaches of the Child & Vulnerable Persons’ Policy and procedures: Members have a responsibility to notify the CVPO of all breaches of the policy and procedures outlined with this handbook. This ensures a continuous and positive culture of improvement and learning. It is important in the first instance when seeing a breach of policy or procedure to immediately advise the member involved of your concerns. If the member does not react appropriately to your counsel, nor do they not adjust what they are doing, or they have to be reminded on more than one occasion, or you have any doubt around the innocence of the behaviour, report this immediately to the CVPO. Notification of breaches may lead to a number of actions including; counselling the person who made the breach and ensuring they understand their responsibilities, providing training to individuals or teams, reviewing procedures as well as providing support and advice. Serious breaches or recurring breaches may result in a formal report and disciplinary action being taken.


Member Handbook July 2016 St John Ambulance SA Inc



WHEN TO NOTIFY OF A BREACH • A breach of CPVO policy or procedure which is systematic across an event, activity of division • A serious breach which puts a child or vulnerable person at risk • A recurring breach, after speaking with the member concerned they do not adjust their behaviour • Where a member does not take on the feedback appropriately and questions to the advice.

BREACH: HR Manager informed. Individual/s involved re-trained or provided additional support.

SERIOUS BREACH: CEO informed. Threat removed or situation rectified.

CONTACT THE CVPO IMMEDIATELY (Do not complete a suspected child/ vulnerable persons abuse form) The CVPO assesses the breach and takes appropriate action.

Investigation undertaken.


Member Handbook July 2016 St John Ambulance SA Inc

Acknowledgements: St John SA would like to acknowledge the following in the production of this handbook: St John UK – Safeguarding Policy – for assistance with content and structure Families SA – for access to online information and resources Department of Education and Child Development – Guidelines for mandated notifiers and information for organisations - Child-safe environments booklet St John Ambulance Australia – National Child and Vulnerable Persons Safety Rules, Standards and Guidelines & Abuse and Neglect information for members The members of the Member Consultation Committee – for giving their time to review the handbook and provide feedback.

Information, counselling and resources Child Abuse Report line

131 478

Parent Helpline

1300 364 100

Kids Help Line

1800 55 1800


13 11 14


13 14 44

Reference material: Families SA CSEHome Aged Rights Advocacy Service SA Health,au SA Department of Education and Child Development GdelinesRptgAbuseNeglect.pdf

Doug Dippy Darren Daff Ian Rae Bev Walker Sean Barlett

Lindy McCallum Lachlan Cibich Pauline Verwaal-Whitford Melissa Oudshoorn

Group Leaders and Regional Superintendents – for acceptance and endorsement of the handbook on behalf of the St John SA volunteer membership.


Member Handbook July 2016 St John Ambulance SA Inc



Member Handbook July 2016 St John Ambulance SA Inc


Annexure 1 – Abuse and Neglect Information for Members The latest documents can be accessed via: > Browse Resources > Juniors and Cadets > Training > National Child and Vulnerable Persons Safety Training > Abuse Info Booklet for Members (pdf) Annexure 2 – St John SA, Child & Vulnerable Persons’ Policy The latest policy can be accessed via: > Members Documents > Child Protection > Children and Vulnerable People Protection Policy.pdf

Annexure 3 – Suspected Child/Vulnerable Person Report Form


Member Handbook July 2016 St John Ambulance SA Inc



This form it be used when reporting ANY suspected abuse of a child or vulnerable person.This form is to record information only, no investigation is permitted by the reporter. In accordance with St John Ambulance Australia SA Inc’s Child Protection & Mandatory Notification policy and procedure, all incidences of child abuse or suspected child abuse are to be reported directly to Families SA by contacting CARL on 13 14 78. Suspected abuse of a vulnerable adult is to be reported directly to the Child and Vulnerable Persons Officer and to SAPOL in the case of an emergency. This form is to be filled out by the person making the report and forwarded to the CEO or Commissioner and Child and Vulnerable Persons Officer immediately. Please see the reporting procedures for suspected abuse as outlined in the Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Persons handbook.

Alleged victim details: Mr Mrs Miss Ms

For children: Have you notified Families SA? Yes No Date of report: Have you notified SA Police? Yes No Date of report:


Full name


Have you notified the parent/s or guardian/s? Yes No Date of contact:

Have you notified the Child & Vulnerable Persons’ Protection Officer? Yes No Date of report:

Contact numbers







For adults: Have you notified the Child & Vulnerable Persons’ Protection Officer? Yes No Date of report:

Your details: Mr Mrs




Full name

Have you notified SA Police? Yes No Date of report: Have you notified the family? Yes No Date of contact:


Contact numbers

The report is based on: The disclosure made by a child/ren or young person/s or vulnerable adult. Yes No


Relationship to victim

Name of alleged perpetrator/s: Mr Mrs Miss Ms Other

An allegation been made to me. Yes No

Full name

My own concerns or observations. Yes No


Disclosure/admission from family member. Yes No

Contact numbers

Relationship to victim

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Member Handbook July 2016 St John Ambulance SA Inc

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