St John SA Local Government First Aid Education & Compliance Guide 2023/24

First Aid Training Understanding your first aid requirements Does your council meet the requirements of the Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) Act and Regulations? It’s common to be unsure if your council meets WHS requirements, especially regarding equipment, facilities, first aiders and qualifications in different local government roles. Conquering Complexity



Let us help you adhere to Safe Work Australia’s First Aid in the Workplace Code of Practice with our range of products and services.

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First aid training solutions

This guide simplifies compliance complexities, and St John SA can help you meet first aid requirements and understand compliance responsibilities.

First aid resources and equipment

Emerging issues In 2022, Safe Work Australia recorded 130,195 serious work-related injury and disease claims, with body stress, falls, trips, and slips being the most common reasons. 1 While the rate of serious claims decreased by 17% since 2010, the associated costs have increased significantly, and employers are


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First aid procedures and drills

bearing a higher percentage of these costs. 1 1 Safe Work Australia Key WHS statistics Australia 2022

St John SA uses the Safe Work Australia First Aid in the Workplace Code of Practice (2019) as a reference for assessing workplaces and providing tailored recommendations for compliance with the WHS Act and Regulations.

Here’s how we can help... Our first aid experts can simplify your first aid requirements with:

The LGA Workers Compensation Scheme recognises the importance of being first aid ready and have made funding available to members for first aid training. Contact St John SA for more information. Access FUNDED St John first aid training

First aid training

First aid products


Procedures and drills

Resources and equipment


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